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Climate Action Start 


For most of us the most meaningful action we can take to tackle Climate Change 

is to:

Write to our local MP and then if possible, continue a dialogue with them.

This is confirmed by the numerous organisations leading calls for greater action to tackle climate change.



to find out more.

It costs next to nothing,

takes very little time,

on your mobile device

when you have a free moment. 

 If unsure how

for a quick way to get started 

follow the first 4 steps below.

Step 1

Choose a sample letter

 that you feel you can adapt to make more personal to you from the

sample letters page


But if unsure or short of time use:


 very basic

Step 2

The text is free to copy and use. 

Copy and paste the sample text to somewhere you can edit it

such as Microsoft Word or an e-mail.

It is very easy to copy and paste even on a mobile phone. Here's how if you're unsure:

hold your finger anywhere on the text, drag the handles that appear to include all the text required, tap 'copy' from the menu that appears. To paste, hold your finger where you want the text and tap 'paste' from the menu that appears.

Step 3

Find out the name and contact details of your local MP

and paste them in. If unsure look them up:

Make the text your own, by replacing and responding the prompts given in bold with your own text.


If you can, use the template sample letters as a starting point for writing your own text as a personal letter/e-mail from you to your MP as this will carry more weight than a standard text simply cut and pasted.

However, the important thing is to send something, even if its very basic, rather than nothing at all, particularly as a first step.

Step 4

Send it to your MP.

By e-mail is good.

 Even better,

if you can, print a hard copy on a sheet of paper, sign it by hand, put into a stamped addressed envelope and send by post. It is widely reported that this is likely to carry more weight.

However, it's much better to send by e-mail if there's a chance you wont get around to printing, signing and sending a hard copy.

Best also to keep a dated copy for future reference.

Well done, you've done it!


But please dont stop there - now you've started please continue with steps 5 to 10 below:

Step 5

After a month:

Send another letter.


If you've received no response

send another letter by repeating steps 1 to 4 above but add a line near the begining refering to your previous letter(s).

If you have received a response

 send another letter by repeating steps 1 to 4 but add a line near the begining acknowledging and thanking them for their reply, but then go on to seek further action in a specific area that you are most passionate about (such as insulating houses or more offshore wind).

Step 6

Continue to 

send another letter each month 

seeking greater action on Climate Change using steps 1 to 5 above.

Set a specific date each month e.g. the first day or each month to send the letter to help remember.

Step 7

Encourage as many other people as you can to write to their MP

 with the same call for much greater action to tackle climate change.

Step 8

If you can

join forces with other like minded people in your area.

Greater momentum is likely to be sustained this way, it's likely to be more enjoyable and the different tasks that may be involved in engaging in a sustained dialogue with your MP can be shared. Goto our join forces page for mor information.

Step 9

If you can,

arrange to meet your MP in person,

ideally in a small group with others, to ask for much greater action to tackle climate change.

Step 10

Return to Step 6!

There is more detailed explanation on the other pages of this web site.

The sample letters provided are intended only as a starting point to enable anyone to commence a dialogue with their MP. If possible, write your own from scratch or cut and paste from different sources to personalise your letters and make them more heartfelt. However try not to agonise too much over the writing - it is much more important that something basic and clear gets sent than nothing at all. The priority is absolutely for as many people as possible to start some sort of ongoing dialogue with their MP.


Other pages on this web site provide a bit more background and provide more ideas on how anyone as an individual can tackle climate change.

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