About Us
We are a small group of normal working people who have families and extended families and over the years have become increasingly concerned about Climate Change and the lack of action being taken to tackle it.
'Get your voice heard'
is the call that is repeatedly made as the most important and significant thing any of us in a democracy can do as individuals to tackle climate change.
So that is what has galvanised us into action - getting into dialogue with our MP and nudging as many others as we can to do the same.
We're not scientists or climate specialists, but even the most cursory reading of current mainstream climate science, including the summaries and statements from the United Nations and others, very quickly reveals both the enormity of the problem and also the huge shortfall in really meaningful hard hitting action being taken by our governments to tackle it.
We'd none of us written to our MP before, but a few years ago stumbled across some very basic advice on how to do it. So independently one or two of us started writing to our MP.
We subsequently joined forces and have also been gently nudging other people that we know who are concerned about Climate Change to join us, and continue to do so.
We meet every month or so and individually write to our MP, but proof read each others letters and share insights, research, climate news we've heard that might be helpful.
Meeting for less than an hour every month, sometimes via Zoom or Teams, sometimes face to face in a local cafe or coffee shop, is usually the spur to write the next letter and re-engage. Otherwise the more immediate and compelling day to day stuff of life can mean things drift and impetus is lost.
But its now also become a very positive social thing as well and humour plays a big part. The sense of shared collective endevour, the knowledge that we're doing something meaningful and positive, and also talking to other people who share a similar perspective all helps to flip something that could feel isolating and negative into something that feels much more positive and uplifting.
We have also, as a small group, met with our MP face to face.
This is something none of us had done before either. It felt a bit intimidating and nerve racking before hand. But, in the meeting, there was simply an exchange of thoughts and ideas. We spoke of our concerns about the need for much more meaningful action to cut CO2 emissions in the next 10 years, they listened. They pointed to the actions that had recently been taken, we accepted that but made it clear that the science said it wasnt enough. They said they noted our concerns.
In some ways it felt a bit underwhelming. But ultimately we know that the science will push politicians into action, it is only a matter of time. All we can do is everything we can to hasten that process.
We will continue to write to our MP every month.
We will seek another face to face meeting in 6 months time.
And we will continue to nudge as many people as possible who are already worried about climate change to do likewise in the knowledge that the more people engage in dialogue with their MP the higher up the political agenda the issue will go.
If there is anything we can add to the web site that will help further, or you feel we should fine tune, please let us know.