Further Actions
There are many actions that can be taken by any individual to tackle global warming.
The following is a list roughly in priority order for any individual in the UK:
Most important is to
get your voice heard
the easiest way to do this is to
start an on-going dialogue with our local MP
This is absolutely the most meaningful action that can be taken
as individuals in the UK to tackle Climate Change.
It is also the least expensive and takes very little time.
Nudge other people to start a dialogue with their MP
is the next most significant.
The more people become active,
the more seriously the issue will be taken.
Joining forces with others
helps maintain momentum and ensure the dialogue is maintained. It is likely also to enable other people feel empowered to start and maintain dialogues with their MPs.
Get your voice heard in other ways
such as:
attend peaceful climate action events, protests and rallies.
Then take photos and circulate them to raise further awareness can also be very powerful in encouraging others to take action.
Make every effort to reduce our own individual Carbon Footprint
is also important.
Move towards a personal carbon footprint
less than 3 tonnes CO2 per year by 2030
less than 2 tonnes CO2 per year by 2040
This includes all the things that are well publicised elsewhere:
use less energy
in the home
switch to a green
energy supplier
use more sustainable
forms of transport
eat foods with low
embodied CO2
reduce consumption
and waste
avoid flying
ensure any personal savings
or investments only
support sustainably
activities and companies
These are also all important. However, right now,
most important
is to
keep the pressure on Members of Parliament
to legislate for much greater and urgent reductions in CO2 by 2030 by starting and maintaining an on-going dialogue with our local MP.