Sample Letter 2 - insulate buildings
House of Commons
My family and I are residents of {TOWN/CITY/LOCATION} within your constituency and we are writing to you as our local Member of Parliament.
We are writing to ask you to call for much greater and more urgent action to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions in real terms by 2030.
In particular, and in the context of the current energy crisis we believe it is extremely important that a huge program is rolled out that will result in the energy performance of everyone's home being improved to as close as possibly to zero carbon emissions.
This also has the potential to help address the cost of living crisis and 'fuel poverty'. It will also help reduce reliance nationally on energy supplies from unstable overseas sources and wildly fluctuating international fuel prices. Conserving energy by this means also has obvious benefits of reducing expenditure needed on new power generation as we change towards a Zero Carbon economy.
For this reason, we strongly urge you to appoint an independent team of experts in all the relevant fields to put in place a comprehensive and well thought out program. Up to now there have been peace-meal programs to incentivise installation of pv panels on roofs and air source heat pumps. But what is now urgently needed is a comprehensive, joined up, well thought out, professionally run, very large scale program that will result in our whole building stock reaching as close to zero carbon as possible in the most cost effective and optimal way. This program will stimulate the economy, but also needs to have sufficient oversight in place to ensure people are enabled to achieve best value from the market whilst being protected from any unscrupulous operators - needed ultimately to ensure the end goal of near zero carbon is achieved for our complete building stock.
The sort of measures needed for most buildings will involve significant costs up front and relatively long payback periods. So the program will need to incentivise building owners to make the improvements in some very significant and profound ways.
A lot of people will need help and assistance with this, because they will be very reluctant to making changes and let strangers into their houses. Also, getting building work done is always messy, disruptive and difficult, and without setting things up correctly at the start, costs can spiral out of control, all of which will deter many people.
Improving the energy performance of buildings in an optimal way is not a simple one-off bolt on. It is going to be messy and complicated, not a simple sound bite or golden bullet that heat pumps or solar panels have been made to sound.
It has the potential to create substantial economic activity, employment opportunities and training opportunities, whilst also addressing one of the primary sources of CO2 production. A program of this sort that helps people make their homes warmer is also likely to increase awareness of the issue of the Climate Crisis in a practical and positive way.
It is therefore an initiative that should be commenced without delay. Please, therefore, do everything you can to commence a program such as the one described above whilst also taking much greater action to cut greenhouse gas emissions drastically in real terms by 2030 across the board.
We would be very grateful to hear your thoughts on the issues raised.
Yours Sincerely,