Sample Letter 5 - tell the truth
House of Commons
My family and I are residents of {TOWN/CITY/LOCATION} within your constituency and we are writing to you as our local Member of Parliament. We are writing to ask you to:
Do everything in your power to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions in the next ten years nationally, and influence others internationally as much as possible, if the worst effects of Climate Change are to be avoided for our children’s generation and all that follow.
Specifically we also ask you (along with all Parliamentarians) to:
Speak out much more publicly, clearly and unambiguously that the Climate Emergency is already upon us and that together we must all act to tackle it urgently.
There is now very little doubt that the Climate Emergency is already upon us. This is the mainstream scientific consensus. This is acknowledged in the Government's UK Net Zero Strategy and we note on your web site one of your stated priorities is to ‘Work for a cleaner environment and support action on the Climate Emergency’.
This acknowledgement of the reality of the Climate Emergency, and the setting of ever more ambitious targets for the future is a good start, however, much more meaningful (and difficult) action is now desperately needed to substantially reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in the next 5-10 years. This is absolutely critical according to all the Climate Models, confirmed by the United nations (IPCC) and the UK Governments own independent advisory panel the Committee on Climate Change.
So much needs to be changed in the next 10 years that everyone absolutely has to understand the truth, believe it and be on board in order that the difficult decisions that have to be taken are understood and supported.
It is our experience that many people still do not understand or believe that we are in a Climate Emergency. Many people we talk to still are chosing to bury their heads in the sand, chose not to believe it, or hope it will simply go away. The only way a majority of the whole population will get on board is if you, our leaders, stand up collectively, cross party, and speak the truth clearly and unambiguously.
Trusted figures in the public eye such as David Attenborough have spoken out clearly and unambiguously which has has caused many people, who did not previously, to look up and take note. However, this is not enough. It clearly should not be left up to TV presenters, Hollywood actors, pop stars and a small Swedish schoolgirl to raise awareness about something so far reaching and serious - that will affect the children of our own families and all future generations if we do not act now.
The very clear and unambiguous truth has to come from our Leaders and Governments first and foremost. We therefore ask you, our elected representative, to Speak out much more publicly, clearly and unambiguously that the Climate Emergency is already upon us and that together we must all act to tackle it urgently.
Yours Sincerely,