Why is any of this necessary?
It's necessary for us all to take action to cut global warming urgently because, according to current mainstream climate science, on our current trajectory global warming will exceed 3degC by 2100 - less than 80 years away. According to most predictions, a global temperature rise of more than 3degC would be a catastophe for human life on Earth. 80 years is within the lifetime of the children of all our families.
Very serious effects of climate change will be experienced by us all long before then if we exceed 1.5 degC warming.
This is the reason drastic cuts need to be made to CO2 emissions in the next 10 years.
It's not too late - yet.
But it may well be too late if by 2030 greenhouse gas emissions have not been sufficiently cut to prevent the temperature increases kick start the earth climate feedback loops.
For a very succinct and clearly explanation of the current situation please go to
web site of the very highly respected scientific body -
The Royal Society:
It is therefore incredibly important that as many people as possible confront our elected representatives with this reality and keep reminding them.
The science is not even disputed by the majority of governments and leaders around the world. The UK governments own 'Route to Zero Carbon' published in 2021 very clearly acknowledges the reality of Global Warming.
However, whilst ever more ambitious targets are announced (for future administrations and generations to enact) woefully little action is being taken to cut greenhouse gas emissions meaningfully and in real terms now.
It is therefore incredibly important that as many people as possible confront our elected representatives with this reality and keep reminding them.
This is why it is necessary to
Engage in a dialogue with our local MP.
seeking drastic cuts to CO2 production by 2030
to limit Global Warming.